Lecture 9 - Dynamic Reuse of Unlicensed Spectrum

LTE-Unlicensed Program and Standardization

➝ Operators are looking to access the 5 GHz unlicensed band using a unified LTE network [e.g., LTE-U, LAA, LWA]

LTE-U, LAA, LWA 將行動通訊跟 unlicensed band 結合再一起,讓行動通訊用,不是Wifi用

[1] Zhengyu Zhou, et al., “Cloud Miracles: Heterogeneous Cloud RAN for Fair Coexistence of LTE-U and WiFi in Ultra Dense 5G Networks,” IEEE Communications Magazine, June 2018, pp. 64-71.


Quick Overview


LTE-Unlicensed (LTE-U)

1. Through sensing the usage of neighboring nodes and adjust the frequency in the unlicensed frequency band to avoid interference (job of CSAT)

2. On-off switching is to achieve fair sharing with other devices on the same channel

Licensed-Assisted Access (LAA)

Interference avoidance technology: LTE-U is CSAT; LAA is LBT

[2] Youjia Chen et al., “Dynamic Reuse of Unlicensed Spectrum: An Inter-Working of LTE and WiFi,” IEEE Wireless Communications, Oct. 2017, pp. 52-59.

LAA 和 LTE-U 的區別:


LAA 的兩種傳輸模式都採用 LBT 機制,以確保在未授權頻段中與其他系統共存。

PDSCH 傳輸模式用於傳輸數據,而 DRS 傳輸模式用於小區發現和同步

LBT Variation

[3] Qimei Cui, et al., “Effective Capacity of Licensed-Assisted Access in Unlicensed Spectrum for 5G: From Theory to Application,” IEEE JSAC, Vol. 35, No. 8, Aug. 2017, pp. 1754-1767.

FCW 和 VCW 是 LBT 的兩種變化形式,用於在未授權頻段中協調 LAA 與其他系統的頻道接入。VCW 通過指數退避機制,在發生碰撞時增加競爭窗口,可以有效降低碰撞概率,提升頻道利用率

LTE-WLAN Aggregation (LWA)

LTE-WLAN radio level integration with IPsec tunnel (LWIP)

WiFi 7 Multi-Link Operation

WiFi 7 多鏈路操作(Multi-Link Operation)解釋


WiFi 7 的多鏈路操作旨在提升無線網路的吞吐量、可靠性和延遲,以滿足日益增長的數據需求。它允許在多個頻段上同時傳輸數據,以充分利用可用的頻譜資源。


  1. MAC 地址與 PHY 介面: WiFi 7 AP 保留一個 MAC 地址,但具有多個 PHY 介面,可以同時在多個頻段上運行。
    • 受限模式與動態鏈路切換:受限模式:數據和 ACK 在一個鏈路上傳輸,管理信息在另一個鏈路上傳輸。
    • 動態鏈路切換:允許同一個數據流在多個鏈路上傳輸,管理信息和協商在另一個鏈路上進行。
  2. 負載平衡: 可以根據各個頻段的擁塞情況,動態分配流量,以達到負載平衡。
  3. 多鏈路信道接入: 多個鏈路如何協調信道接入,以避免碰撞和干擾,是需要解決的關鍵問題。



Supplementary-LTE TDD Frame Structure