8-Intrusion Detection

8.1  Intruders

Three Skill Levels of Intruders

Intruder Behavior

8.2  Intrusion Detection

Three logical components

Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

Example: The Zeek Network Security Monitor

Basic Principles

  1. Rapid Response and Damage Mitigation:
    • Timely intrusion detection allows for quick identification and removal of intruders before they cause harm.
    • Even if detection isn’t immediate, earlier awareness minimizes damage and speeds up recovery.
  2. Deterrence:
    • The presence of an effective IDS can discourage potential intruders, acting as a preventive measure.
  3. Information Gathering for Enhanced Security:
    • IDSs collect valuable data about intrusion techniques, enabling the development of stronger prevention strategies.

The Base-Rate Fallacy

Finding the right balance between detecting real intrusions and avoiding false alarms in (IDS) is a significant challenge due to the low base rate of actual intrusions compared to legitimate system usage.

Further explanations:


8.3  Analysis Approaches

Anomaly Detection

Categories of classification approaches

Signature or Heuristic Detection

8.4  Host-Based Intrusion Detection

Data Sources and Sensors

Anomaly HIDS

Signature or Heuristic HIDS

Distributed HIDS

8.5  Network-Based Intrusion Detection

Types of Network Sensors

NIDS Sensor Deployment

Intrusion Detection Techniques

Logging of Alerts

8.6  Distributed or Hybrid Intrusion Detection

Overall Architecture of an Automatic Enterprise Security System (by Intel)


8.7  Intrusion Detection Exchange Format

8.8  Honeypots

Honeypot Classifications

Example of Honeypot Deployment

8.9  Example System: Snort

Snort Architecture

Snort Rules

8.10  Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems
