23-Internet Authentication Applications
- authentication functions that have been developed to support network-based authentication and digital signatures
- Kerberos: authentication software tied to a secure authentication server
- a part of Active Directory
- X.509 public-key certificates
- public-key infrastructure (PKI)
23.1 Kerberos
- Initially developed at MIT
- A software utility available both in the public domain and in commercially supported versions
- The de facto standard for remote authentication
- A trusted third-party authentication service
- Clients and servers trust Kerberos to mediate their mutual authentication
- Requires that
- A user proves his or her identity for each service invoked
- Optionally, servers prove their identity to clients
The Kerberos Protocol
- Security Issues between Clients and Servers?
- In an unprotected network environment, any client can apply to any service for server
- Obvious security risk?
- Impersonation: an opponent can pretend to be another client and obtain unauthorized privileges on server machines
- How do servers counter this threat?
- Confirm the identities of clients
- But, each server is required to do this for each client/server interaction
- Alternative: using an authentication server (AS)
- Once the AS has verified the user’s identity, it can pass this information on to an application server
- How to do all this in a secure way?
- If clients send passwords to the AS over the network, the opponent could observe the password
- AS shares a unique secret key with each server
- Session key: one-time encryption key
- Ticket and session key are both encrypted using the user’s password as the encryption key
- Password is never passed over the network
- Ticket: a set of credentials ➢ User’s ID, server’s ID, a timestamp, a lifetime
- Entire ticket is encrypted using a secret DES key shared by the AS and the server
- Why TGS?
- Query the user for his password for each service
Inconvenient !
- Store the password in memory for the duration of the logon session
Security risk !
How to counter the following threats for ticket-granting ticket?
- Ticket may be stolen and reused
- Alteration of the ticket
- Encrypted with a secret key known only to the AS and TGS
- User spoofing
- Authentication based on the encryption with the user’s password
- Replay attack
- Authenticator, which is not reusable
Kerberos Realms and Multiple Kerberi
- A Kerberos realm: full-service Kerberos environment
- A Kerberos server
- A number of clients
- Each registers with the Kerberos server; the server holds a database for the user ID/password
- A number of app servers
- Each registers with the Kerberos server and shares a secret key with it
- Different realms
- Networks of clients and server under different administrative organizations
Request for Service in Another Realm
- The Kerberos server in each realm shares a secret key with the server in the other realm
- Kerberos servers are registered with each other
Version 4 and Version 5
- Most widely used: Version 4 in late 1980s
- Version 5
- Introduced in 1993; updated in 2005
- Now widely implemented
- Part of Microsoft’s Active Directory service
- Most current UNIX and Linux systems
- Apple’s Mac OS X
- AES is the default choice (DES in v4)
- Authentication forwarding
- Enabling a client to access a server and have that server access another sever on behalf of the client
- Very little performance impact in a large-scale environment
- if the system is properly configured
- The amount of traffic needed for the granting ticket: modest
- Does it require a dedicated platform?
- Not wise to run it on the same machine as a resource-intensive app
- Its security is best assured by placing it on a separate, isolated machine
- How about using multiple realms to maintain performance?
- Probably not
- The motivation of multiple realms is administrative
23.2 X.509 : Public-key Certificate
- A certificate
- linking a public key with the identity of the key’s owner
- the whole block signed by a trusted third party
- Third party: certificate authority (CA)
- trusted by the user community
- e.g., government agency, financial institution
- User can present his public key to the authority in a secure manner and obtain a certificate
Public-key Certificate Use
- Specified in RFC 5280
- Most widely accepted format for public-key certificates
- Used in most network security apps
- IPSec, SSL, TLS, S/MIME, etc.
- Usage restriction
- “Key Usage” and “Extended Key Usage” extensions specify a set of approved uses
- What if the certificate has been compromised? How to revoke it?
- A certificate revocation list (CRL)
- signed by the issuer
- containing a serial number of a certificate and the revocation date
- When receiving a certificate, an app should determine whether it has been revoked
- checking the current CRL for its issuing CA
- very few apps do this due to high overheads
- The recent Heartbleed Open SSL bug has dramatically highlighted deficiencies with the use of CRLs
- A lightweight protocol for the revocation in RFC 6960
- including in recent versions of most common Web browsers
- “Authority Information Access” extension in a certificate: specify the server address
- Hash signature
- MD5 collisions are found in 2012: depreciated
- SHA-1 collisions are discovered in 2017
- Using SHA-2 and SHA-3 now
23.3 Public-Key Infrastructure
- RFC 4949: the set of hardware, software, people, policies, and procedures needed to create, manage, store, distribute, and revoke digital certificates based on asymmetric cryptography
- Principal objective: enable secure, convenient, and efficient acquisition of public keys
- Current X.509 PKI implementations: trust store
- A large list of CAs and their public keys
CAs in Trust Store
- Either directly sign “end-user” certificates
- Or sign a small number of Intermediate-CAs
- They in turn sign “end-user” certificates
- All the hierarchies are very small, and all are equally trusted
- Automatically verified certificate: acquiring it from one of those CAs
- Alternatively: use either a self-signed certificate or a certificate signed by some other CA
- Such certificates are initially recognized as “untrusted”
- The user presented with stark warnings about accepting such certificates
Issues with the PKI Model
- Issue 1: Reliance on the user to make an informed decision when there is a problem verifying a certificate
- Issue 2: Assuming that all of the CAs in the “trust store” are equally trusted, equally well managed, and apply equivalent policies
- Compromise of the DigiNotar CA in 2011
- Fraudulent issue of certificates for many well-known organizations
- Bankrupt later that year
- Compromise of the Comodo CA in 2011
- A small number of fraudulent certificates issued
- Iranian government: mount a “man-in-the-middle” attack
- On the secured communications of many of their citizens
- Issue 3: different implementations, in the various web browsers and OS, use different “trust stores”
- Present different security views to users
Improve the X.509 Certificates
- Recognize that many apps do not require formal linking of a public key to a verified identity
- In many web apps, all users really need is to know that if they visit the same secure site
- i.e., same site and same key as when they previously visited
- Improvement 1: confirming continuity in time
- Apps keep a record of certificate details for all sites they visit
- e.g., Google Chrome
- Improvement 2: confirming continuity in space
- Using a number of widely separated “network notary servers” that keep records of certificates for all sites they view
- e.g., Firefox “Perspectives” plugin; notary servers: Google Certificate Catalog
Public Key Infrastructure X.509 (PKIX)
The PKIX model is a formal and generic model for deploying a certificate-based architecture on the Internet. It consists of the following key elements:
- End entity: The user or server for which the certificate is issued.
- Certificate authority (CA): The entity that issues the certificates.
- Registration authority (RA): The entity that handles end entity registration.
- CRL issuer and Repository: The entities that manage CRLs.
The PKIX model also identifies a number of management functions that potentially need to be supported by management protocols. These include:
- User Registration: The process of registering an end entity with a CA.
- Initialization of key material: The process of generating or obtaining a key pair for an end entity.
- Certification: The process of issuing a certificate for an end entity.
- Key pair recovery and update: The process of recovering or updating a key pair for an end entity.
- Revocation request: The process of requesting that a certificate be revoked.
- Cross certification: The process of establishing trust between two CAs.
23.4 Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems