23-Internet Authentication Applications

23.1 Kerberos

The Kerberos Protocol

Inconvenient !

Security risk !

How to counter the following threats for ticket-granting ticket?

Kerberos Realms and Multiple Kerberi

Request for Service in Another Realm

Version 4 and Version 5

Performance Issues

23.2 X.509 : Public-key Certificate

Public-key Certificate Use

23.3  Public-Key Infrastructure

CAs in Trust Store

Issues with the PKI Model

Improve the X.509 Certificates

Public Key Infrastructure X.509 (PKIX)

The PKIX model is a formal and generic model for deploying a certificate-based architecture on the Internet. It consists of the following key elements:

The PKIX model also identifies a number of management functions that potentially need to be supported by management protocols. These include:

23.4  Key Terms, Review Questions, and Problems